Sages Cottage farm is a beautiful 38 acre property that Wallara purchased in 2016 where young people with disabilities learn life skills through farm activities.

In 2018 we created an accessible pathway around the lake and we built 5 pergola stations. The vision was to theme each station with a sense (sight, sound, etc) so that everyone who comes to the farm and walks the lake  learns something about disability and what it means to have that sense impaired.

With the Harvest café at the farm now open , our farm visitation will grow to 20,000+ per year including school and community groups.

Vision Australia and Occupational Therapy Students from Monash University are  supporting us with expert advice for how best to fit out the stations and we now need your help to complete the vision.

Entry to Sages is free so support from business and community is imperative to ensure that we can continue with our aim of building Australia’s most inclusive farm.

No donation is too small and every donation will go towards the ‘fitout’ of the Sensory Stations.  All donations are tax deductible.

Thank you in anticipation of your support.

To find out more about the project or how to get involved at Sages, contact Karen Scholey on 0418 537 711


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    Aidan J Graham Pty Ltd donated $500.00

$500.00 raised of $10,000.00 goal

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  • Aidan J Graham Pty Ltd Donated $500.00

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